Welcome to Just Becaws!

This site was once missmoss, but not anymore. I'm Corv/C0RV0ID, the webmaster!

Feel free to look around, view my collections, and chat in the Chattable box to the left.

Wanna link back? Use this button!

[] Added some new silly quiz results and changed some broken page titles.

[] HAPPY RELEASE DAY! What a journey this redesign has been! The site is still a work-in-progress, but everything that needs to be here is here... including the fish! The fish have migrated from the old site and some new species have joined them!

[] Building the new site, adding the changelog. Can't wait to release! In other news, today is actually the 7 YEAR ANNIVERSARY of my journey as a webmaster, this is incredible!


Friends, or anyone with my (current or old) button on their own site. Say something in the chatbox if you'd like to be mutuals!

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